Dive conditions: Week 1

Visibility: Great  

Current: Strong  

We can see meters ahead in the production process and right now we’re diving with the current. All is good and moving fast here at HQ.  


Reward Survey  

We’ve started crafting our reward survey and will send it out after Kickstarter has released the funds – which should be within a week or two from now, we’ll update you when the payment has dropped and we can really get this rolling! Expect the survey toward the end of October – this will be your chance to add any extras and even revive your pledge if you’re one of the few “dropped backers” out there whose payment didn’t go through – just send us a message letting us know.  


A second chance for friends and family to pre-order NEMO, saving hundreds before we launch at full retail price ($699).  

Share more, earn more!  

We’ve extended our Kickbooster affiliate program and started a contest – Our top 3 affiliates will receive special bonus prizes!  


1st place: NEMO Backpack + EDP Shirt  

2nd place: NEMO Backpack + Extra hat  

3rd place: NEMO Backpack  

Current Rankings:  

1. Takashi Yamada  

2. Mitch Long  

3. Eric Kelley  

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