Brownie's Marine Group

Dive Conditions: Week 50

Visibility: Clear Current: Strong Report: We expected to ship the first units out this past week but our beta testing feedback has provided us with some additional work on the Users Manual.

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Brownie's Marine Group

Dive Conditions: Week 48

Visibility: Clear Current: Calm Report: Perk prices are about to increase. Beta units are about to be delivered and reviewed by testers after shipping had a slight hiccup with delays

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Brownie's Marine Group

Dive Conditions: Week 46

Visibility: Moderate Current: Calm Report: All of the parts are received and we are in production with the first NEMOs! We’re still completing the NEMO Online Dive Training Course and

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Brownie's Marine Group

Dive Conditions: Week 42

Visibility: Clear Current: Calm Report: We are getting very close! The first of the injection molded parts and the first shipment of battery packs have arrived at our facility. While

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Brownie's Marine Group

Dive Conditions: Week 40

Visibility: Cloudy Current: Moderate Report: Two main factors are still holding us back: injection molded parts and battery packs. We expected both of these to be completed months ago, but we are

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Brownie's Marine Group

Dive Conditions: Week 38

Visibility: Clear Current: Strong Report: The wait for injection molded parts continues but is almost over. Meanwhile, our assembly line is getting its final touches before we begin production.  Injection Molding: The

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